Friday, June 10, 2011

Hell in a Handbasket

I've been waiting for the balloon to go up since the 80's. It was the Russians then. Now its everyone from Moslems to the New World Order. Any and /or all of these groups will destroy the world at any given time. Well I am still waiting. Its not that I am worried and in dismay about the current civilization grinding to a halt, its more like impatience and when will it finally get here?

The Bilderberg Meeting is right now going on in St Moritz Switzerland. Conspiracy Theorists, Alex Jones, and others are all over this like ants on a fallen ice cream cone in summer. Are these shadowy men inside these conferences good men? More than likely not. Would we be better off if NATO has a huge accident and drops a MOAB on these guys leaving a smoking crater? Absolutely. The heads of banks, and financial houses and governments are in there. Of course we'd be better off with them dead. Are they planning the efficient and streamlined end to all dissension and the rise of the new world order? Who cares.

I have been a news fanatic since I was a child. My parents did irrevocable damage to me by letting the vietnam reports be the music of my suppertime as a toddler. So I have a good 40+ years of watching the continual spin of this planet. It is in my humble opinion we are more fucked than ever. I am reminded of Yeats' "Second Coming"

 Turning and turning in the widening gyre
    The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
    Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
    The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
    The best lack all conviction, while the worst
    Are full of passionate intensity

It is the lack of hope and innocence across the board that will be our demise. Dreams and heroes are now extinct. We always had heroes before. Even those whose feet were of clay were able to rouse the hope and aspirations of some. Now babies are fed cynicism in their mothers milk and a walk through a shopping mall is an exhibition of the dead eyes of the pubescent. There are no flights of fancy any longer for this new generation of man that is not based in the prurient . We no longer look at the blue skies and dream of tomorrow. The dystopic future of 80's cinema is already here in thought if not in form. 

Here is why I then do not fear this "New World Order". We may grow to like the downward spiral. If the cities of the poor burn, why not light the citadels of the rich? If we the rabble are rounded up to exist in the squalor, why not bring down the whole thing. These old men that may or may not be formulating these nightmares, may not be aware of the monster that has been born twisted and mutated out here in the warrens. They may not even conceive that the beast of burden they seek to yoke to pull the wagon of their Plutocratic utopia may turn out to be the mares of Diomedes. All that will probably be is a new world, very much like the old world, but having nothing to do with order.

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